Nintendo’s failure linked to technology, game sales, and indie developers

Nintendo’s recent financial troubles have opened the floodgates for discussion on where the gaming company went wrong. The recent stock price drop and projected decrease in sales numbers are just one of many woes in the wake of the release of the Wii-U.  Nintendo’s third-party relationships have failed and a formerly strong user base has been left feeling alienated by a company that seems stuck in the past.

Where did Nintendo go wrong? The lack of first-party titles? Marketing the Wii-U as a family device and failing to show consumers a difference between the new console and the Wii?

Any of these and more are valid criticism. The biggest contributors to the failure of the Wii-U are a poor and misguided use of technology and the internet, the rise and prevalence of game sales changing how consumers view the worth of Nintendo software, and Nintendo’s outright snubbing of an independent game developer community in their own back yard.

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On Will’s “game of the year 2013” list


‘Game of the Year’ lists are boring. Trivial. Typical. Droll. Pedestrian.

GOTY lists are best described as the “asshole and opinion” article.

You know: Because everyone has them. Except for some folk out there with an awful handicap, in the case of the former.

My apologies to the colostomy bag community.

That was awkward. Let’s talk about my favorite–and best–video games of 2013.

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