Backlog WWE Reviews: Extreme Rules (5/22/16)


Extreme Rules has the supreme displeasure of being the weird, “between important stuff” event, filled to the brim with matches and feuds that have long overstayed their welcome.  Continue reading

Triple Threat Squash Night – NXT Review: 1/20/2016

alexaGreetings, Adventurers, and welcome to the newest feature in the backlog: NXT reviews!

For those who might not know much about NXT, it’s the developmental promotion for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE); which has, in the past few years, undergone something of a revolution in presentation with the success of indie stars before their inevitable call up to the main roster. Continue reading

WWE RAW Review: 5/4/15: “In which everyone gets “Olé-ed”

Welcome to the first week of RAW reviews for Backlog Adventures. In an effort to create more wrestling-centered content, I’ll be handling RAW reviews henceforth, for as long as I can stand what has been a generally terrible three hours of professional wrestling.

Let’s move on, shall we? Continue reading

Backlog WWE Reviews: Summerslam 2014


For the last decade, Summerslam has been considered the starting point for a long stretch of events and story lines that all lead to Wrestlemania. The best examples that come to mind is last year with Daniel Brian’s World Title win –and subsequent loss– at the 2013 iteration of the WWE summer classic. The problem with this long haul is keeping the audience engaged in the main event. Expecting fans to stay hot in a singular way for up to eight months might be asking too much, given WWE Creative’s predilections for changing their mind on whether a guy is “their guy” on a whim.

Can WWE keep the momentum coming out of Summerslam? Only hindsight will tell. For now, here is what went down on the 17th of August in Los Angeles.
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