Winning Your Oscar Pool in Three Easy Steps

Friend of the site and all around great person Claire McBroom has graced Backlog with her presence, bringing you, dear reader, surefire steps to winning your Oscar pool. Personally, I plan on picking ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ for everything. I think it is a sound strategy. – Will 

A few years ago, some of my most pop culture-obsessed friends and I started a yearly Oscar pool. None of us are professional entertainment or show biz types, and the stakes are low, but the thrill of the win is an incomparable high.

I should know — I’ve won more pools than any of my friends. I’m not bragging, this is just a statistical fact.

Ok, maybe I am bragging. It feels great. Continue reading

Ruining Everyone’s Fun: The Top 5 Film and Television Spoilers of 2015


I’m just going to put this out there so no one gets the wrong idea: I’m a spoiler addict. Continue reading